In his interview with Bret Baier, Barry 0bama confessed that he and his follow co-conspirators in Congress have engaged, and will continue to engage in illegal and unconstitutional behaviour to fraudulently “pass” the socialist medicine bill. Mr. 0bama admitted that they are not concerned about the “process”, only the end result. The problem with that attitude is that there is only one Constitutionally approved process for passing legislation. To publically declare that he and congressional Democrat/Socialists are not concerned about the process is to pubically declare that the Constitution doesn’t matter. Worse, it is an admission that they believe “the ends justifies the means” and that “any means necessary” is more important that following the law and complying with the Constitution. This is nothing less than a blatant confession by Mr. 0bama and Democrats have, are and will continue to blatantly violate the law in order to get their way.
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