Wednesday, November 4, 2009


There’s little I can add to the whole David Nutt story – if you’ve been living in a cave for the past week or so, Professor Nutt of Imperial College was last week fired from his position as Chairman of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs for commenting on the cannabis classification debate. His argument was that cannabis shouldn’t be a class B drug, given it’s health effects, and that this [like the rest of healthcare in this country - Ed] was instead being used as a political tool rather than to protect and care for people.

The blogs and traditional media are ablaze with this. My favourite being the ever trustworthy and reliable Daily Mail with an Independent-like headline of “Yes, scientists do much good. But a country run by these arrogant gods of certainty would truly be hell on earth” about the evils of running our lives in an evidence based way. Hmmm.

The trouble with a ’scientific’ argument, of course, is that it is not made in the real world, but in a laboratory by an unimaginative academic relying solely on empirical facts [emphasis mine]

Good work. The fair and balanced A N Wilson there, everybody.

Seriously though, I implore you all to sign up to the petition to re-instate Professor Nutt. Lets try and keep at least some of healthcare policy evidence based, shall we?

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