Friday, February 26, 2010

Example Disease of Europe and rest of Wordl.


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Each year, millions of Americans are afllicted with conditions attributed to cardiovascular disease.  Of these cases, many adults are experiencing a new conservative approach to treatment involving exercise, diet and the use of simple prescription medications.  Of the medication choices, healthcare professionals are turning to the use of Plavix, as a platlet cluster blocking agent.    Understanding the use of Plavix, in the risk of cardiovascular disease, the side effects and contraindications of Plavix use, will assist patients with making a more educated healthcare choice in terms of treating cardiovascular disease.

Plavix, manufactured by Sanafi – Synthelaba, is a drug commonly used in patients who have experienced a recent cardiovascular event.  As a prescription used to prevent the cluster or clotting of platelets, Plavix is believed to significantly reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke and other coronary artery events.   With dosing as simple as one, 75 milligram tablet per day, Plavix is an easy and safe alternative to the other therapeutic cardiovascular drugs on the market.

As with most FDA approved medications, the use of Plavix, in the treatment of acute cardiovascular conditions, does not come without side effects and contraindications. For patients with a sensitivity to aspirin, Plavix may produce similar results in response to treatment of the cardiovascular condition.  Additonal side effects may also include increased bleeding, loss of vision and gastrointenstinal pain. When symptoms are persistent and do not dissipate, consultation with a physician is recommended however most common side effects will generally disspate through the course of treatment.  In addition to these dissipating side effects, patients using Plavix may also experience respiratory distress, depression, rash and urinary tract infections.  When these symptoms present, consultation with a physician may be necessary. 

For women who are pregant or may become pregnant, the use of Plavix is not recommended. As a Category B drug, it is not clearly known what role Plavix may play in terms of fertility and the implications on a fetus.   Additionally, the use of Plavix in the cardiovascular patient, including those patients who presently suffer from a blood clotting disorder, is not recommended as Plavix provides similar effects to that of aspirin; a thinning blood.

As with any cardiovascular treatment, the primary goal is to reduce the risk of a cardiac event, which may lead to death.   When considering a cardiovascular program, diet and exercise are vitally important.   In addition to controlled diet and exercise, the use of prescription medications will provide the most optimal treatment outcomes.   For information regarding Plavix use, visit and consult a cardiovascular specialist.

One Pill Makes You Larger by lostfate13


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