Friday, February 19, 2010

He kainga no te ururoa, he kainga no te kereru te ngahere

The ocean is the home of the shark, and the forest is the home to the wood pigeon.

Kia ora from Aetearoa again! Two week of lecture block is now over!! For the past fortnight, everyday was filled with lectures and lectures and lectures! Without fail it would be from 830 to 4 or 5 at times. Basically we recapped a number of CVS,Respi and MSK pathologies but with more clinical orientation. Hence medicine was making more sense. And amongst the interesting lectures were Maori and Pacific Health. Thus the title of this post: came across this when we we being briefed about the protocols of visiting Orakei Marae. That’s the sort of HQ for one of the Maori clan over here in Auckland. We had two and half days of lectures and language classes solely on this area. It was interesting to acknowledge that the Pakeha ( Europeans) actually admit that they had and are being racist yet they did nothing much about it! Ironic to the title, the Pakeha’s oblivious to such, being originally an immigrant themselves, they have taken over Aetearoa by cunning mischiefs and sheer force, reducing the Maori and the Pacific to just the minority and yet claiming the land as their own. Doesn’s that just sound too familiar??

Other than that, life’s good. Having mini excursions around town. And for next week, the real medicine begins! Will be starting a 6 week run (Postings are known as runs here) on Psychiatry! hohoho!

Wish me the best!


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