Wednesday, December 30, 2009



They call me violent, with ideology in a suicidal manner…but that’s not me, I’m not that good a planner.

But I will take credit for the massacres to follow.

I will take credit

For the tip of silver’s hollow.

I will take credit

For my uncanny persistence

If in the end it means

I had some sort of existence.

I will take credit

For coming to your doorstep

I will take credit

For completing their silence while every neighbor slept.

I will take credit

for living life in truth for me

I will take credit

for draining yours of it’s lavish sea.

Your treasure’s mine for the taking

whether you like it or not

And my brittle, arthritic hands

are all I’ve got.

So make way for the handicapped,

’cause I’m wheeling through

Your laughter and smug smile

are all I needed to…

-M. Detelj 09


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