Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Serious science: Ooo look, that goat fell over!

I’m currently trying to take advantage of my two week break and learn all the material I should have learnt last term. It’s not going as well as I hoped.

Today was the turn of how muscles worked, and in particular I got going on how action potentials trigger muscle contraction. As with just about everything in physiology, it’s down to ion channels, far too many to mention. In this particular case, the handout refers to those responsible for allowing a current of chloride ions across the membrane, and how if they are absent or malfunctioning, you get a condition called myotonia congenita.

Being the inquisitive sod I am, my choice was between getting up and walking across the landing to dig out the Bible, or look on wikipedia. So I went for the lazy man option. And came across this video illustrating the condition. Isn’t science great?


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