Friday, December 18, 2009

Red tape?

Tuesday my Lady and I took off to Nashville to go see her endocrinologist and thankfully she doesn’t have cancer. I’m relieved and yet we still need to get down to the root of why she’s sick. My Lady is the herbalist from hell and have literally saved lives in the past with her knowledge. She cured wet gangreen in a diabetic, need I say more? Yes, Wendel still has his leg thanks to this woman.

What this means to me is that what is going on with her immune system and endocrin system is only a mater of time from being cured. I’ve watched this woman, she makes good medicine, she dilligently examines her emotions and the ideas that go through her mind. She is a reiki master and I have to say her energy healing is for lack of a better word, phenominal. She’s doing what she can to help herself and I’m doing what I can to help her. Doing what I can usually means releasing my BS and giving her the warmth and steadiness that lets her heal herself. I feel she’s just got too much on her emotional plate.

Salem really cares for and about people. Her kids, their kids, relatives, parents, friends and the occasional person come into contact that needs her, all come under her concern and she does for them what she can. This may sound like saintly philanthropie but it takes a toll. The stress is unbelievable because she cares so much! She gets so little in return too.

I do care, I have the job, and when I can overcome my emotional difficulties I offer her some relief. Gods, the job I have is stressful, the home life is stressful, when not taken care of the relationship is stressful, and what I get out of it is a woman that loves and adores me! She says I smell good! I don’t wear any kind of deoderant and rarely patchulli. I remember my sister throwing fits because I smelled bad to her. Maybe it was the right-guard? Maybe it’s pharamones and she was my sister. Perhaps the pharamones of a sibling repell?

I have an idea about starting a new political party here in America. The Responcible Party, makes freedom the responcibility of the free. History has shown that freedom is worth fighting for because if you don’t fight for it you loose it. People want to know how the government can take away our rights, because nobody will fight to keep them!

Our country was bought at the point of a sword and the end of a musket! Slowly we hand our country over to the politicians in the hopes that political correctness and the dumbing down of America will purchase world peace. What’s wrong with getting angry? What’s wrong with fighting injustice? Why do we feel we as a country must follow the status quo? If our fore-fathers followed the status quo we would all be waiting for tea time and paying exorbitant taxes to a tyranical empire who would have only gotten stronger for the past two hundred thirty-three years.

So I say this, we don’t need to be looking at a bill of rights any more. No, what we must be looking at is a bill of responcibilities! That’s right, Thomas Jefferson wasn’t handing us freedoms he was handing us guidelines for a free nation. You have the responcibility to practice your religeon! You say you are of paticular faith, then don’t be a hipocrit, practice it! And to ensure that you get to practice your faith you protect the right of everyone else to believe what they will and live! You have the responcibility of free speach! If you won’t speak your mind someone will put words in your mouth. Not to say you should be insensitive, just honest and forthcomming. You have the responcibility to bear arms! How much crime would there be in a country if everyone competently carried a handgun? Would a criminal walk into a shopping mall with a rifle if he knew that looking like he was going to shoot someone would result in a hundred guns pointing back? You would have to have a deathwish, and some do, but chances are the deathtoll would be one not twenty.

I could go on and may yet open a site for my new political party, I have a lot of ideas for how this nation could better serve the people it is made of. I really feel you have the gyst.

I want a free country, where the medical community focuses on cures not treatments. Where the buck takes the backseat to the heart. Where greed is a deadly sin and not a virtue. Is that too much to ask? We’re not British after all, and they changed their monitary backed tune. Or so it would seem.


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