Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The tinnitus

Many people suffer from ringing, whistles, crackling in the ears. These sounds are continually called “tinnitus” by scientists. Their persistence because they are very disabling.

What’s more unpleasant, more annoying than hearing all day long (even at night) the noise in the ears? These invaders, they leave no breathing space, which leads inexorably insomnia, fatigue, depression, or depression.

Tinnitus is very diverse in their manifestations. They may involve one or both ears, giving you the impression that they invade your cranium.

They are from diverse backgrounds. They can be caused by illness or other circumstances “external” hard to identify.

The medical causes are, for example, infections, tumors, ear infections, circulatory problems, deafness, etc..

The causes “outside”, for example, age, Wax, dental problems, trauma, stress, prolonged or repeated exposure to decibel too high, etc..

This last question in particular, is that more and more young people suffer from tinnitus. The sonos nightclubs, mp3 players, stereos in cars are a major threat for young ears. The state seems to have been some concern by asking manufacturers to curb their devices. But there is still some way to go before everything is perfect. Youth education must be priority: too few are aware of the risks!

This diversity of possible causes that it is not always easy to diagnose and find the right cure.

Many tracks are exploited in recent years.

Traditional medicine can provide solutions in specific cases when the causes are medical. In treating the disease at the origin of tinnitus, they may disappear. Sometimes a simple hearing aid can also be mitigated significantly.

When the causes are not precisely defined, can be used, sometimes successfully, to natural medicine. The hardest part is finding the cure for everyone. There are so many different tinnitus that what may work for one person may not work for another.

The homeopathy, relaxation therapy, aromatherapy, relaxation, acupuncture, hypnosis, massage, yoga, mesotherapy, osteopathy – tracks are exploited and sometimes produce good results.

Finally, a healthy and balanced diet can help reduce problems caused by tinnitus. Healthier, your body will be better able to fight them. Avoid caffeine, tobacco, decrease your intake of salt, sugar, saturated fat; privileges certain vitamins such as vitamin A (eg carrots), B3 (eg oysters), D (fish, sun), E (soybean for example), trace elements (magnesium, manganese, iodine).

Of course, it is important that you consult a specialist before choosing a particular treatment.

Do not you despair. There is certainly a therapy that matches your type of tinnitus. It is for you to find it using all possible avenues to try to rid yourself of that haunting sound, haunting spoiling your life.

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