Friday, January 22, 2010

44-D's LIVE Blogging: "<em>Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief</em>"

Posted by: Audiegrl

As you may have heard, tonight’s multi-network 2-hour “Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief” telethon is being held to raise funds in the wake of the devastating earthquake last week. In part of our continuing coverage of Haitian relief efforts, 44-D’s will be live streaming and blogging the program tonight, Friday, January 22, at 8pm ET. Please feel free to join us to help promote awareness of this important cause.

The two-hour commercial-free telethon will be featuring the following performers and participants:

Clinton Bush Haiti Relief FundUNICEFAmerican Red Cross

WFP:  World Food ProgrammePartners In Health Oxfam America

Yéle Haiti


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