Friday, January 29, 2010

Senator John Kyl reports Democrats likely to pursue nuclear option in Senate

Breitbart has audio of John Kyl on the Hugh Hewitt show Thursday night. (H/T ECM)

Kyl says the Democrats will try to pass Obamacare with 51 votes:

This is kind of breaking news. As you say, we’re just hearing it. We haven’t been formally advised, but we have it on relatively good authority. And this would be what they call the nuclear option. This would be we can’t do it with 60 votes, because now we have a new Senator from Massachusetts, so we’ll do it with 51. Now it’s called the nuclear option, because it really upsets all of the tradition and precedent within the Senate which on a really big bill on the magnitude of health care, would always have strong bipartisan support, and therefore the 60 vote requirement really doesn’t matter.

They’ve learned nothing from the election of Scott Brown, and their other setbacks.


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