Monday, January 25, 2010

Anti Aging Benefits from Omega 3!!!

In a recent study published by UCSF, research has shown omega-3 fatty acids may slow biological Aging.  We already knew omega-3s help fight belly fat and over all body inflammation but how know anti- aging would be added to the list?  The study was focused on patients with established cardiovascular disease and found it is a very strong possibility “omega-3 fatty acids may protect against cellular aging in patients with coronary heart disease”.  In addition to the positive effects of omega-3’s individuals who took a daily multivitamin saw similar anti-aging effects on cellular turnover and re-growth.  The test run on study participants were repeated after 5 years.  A prescription grade omega-3, such as the Zone Omega Rx carried by execuSlim, is an excellent tool to help fight aging, belly fat, heart disease and stress.  Stop by the office to pick up your prescription grade omega-3’s today only $50.00 + Tax.  Call Today 310.657.0366!

 Journal of the American Medical Association

2010, Volume 303, Issue 3, Pages 250-257 “Association of Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acid Levels With Telomeric Aging in Patients With Coronary Heart Disease” Authors: R. Farzaneh-Far, J. Lin, E.S. Epel, W.S. Harris; Elizabeth H. Blackburn; Mary A. Whooley


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