Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hitler abortion poster sparks anger in Poland (Daily Telegraph)


A Polish anti-abortion group has sparked controversy by using pictures of Hitler and a bloody and torn foetus in a billboard campaign designed to ensure Poles adhere to the country’s strict abortion laws.

Hitler abortion poster sparks anger in Poland (Daily Telegraph)

Tue, 02 Mar 2010 23:38:10 GMT


Okay.  On the one hand we have the pro-life movement, comparing people who are trying to protect the woman’s free rights to have her choice of what to do with her own body.  And to have free will which God gave to her, being compared to the Nazi movement under Adolph Hitler in World War II.  And yet at the same time, the reality is that it is not pro-choice people who are in fact acting like Nazis.  And attempting to set up Inquisition’s where women will be put on trial if they do not bear children.  The pro-life movement is the one who is in favor of setting up Inquisition’s and death camps for women to be murdered if they don’t bear children, not the pro-choice people.

So this really shows that the pro-life people just don’t understand the dynamics of what a woman goes through when she becomes pregnant.  If the pro-life people actually understood the dynamics of what happens to a woman’s body and what happens to her psychology when she becomes pregnant they would never be behaving the way they are.

All you have to do is to be really sensitive and be around the woman when she is becoming pregnant.  And in the very first stage of pregnancy.  Like the first 10 days to two weeks.  You need to pay attention, because what you’re saying is, the woman being overloaded with hormonal imbalance.  In addition to tremendous amounts of social information that she has to sort through to try to figure out what to do regarding her own condition.  And the tendency is to react to what is going on, rather than to respond.  But the intelligent thing to do is to respond.

In the halfway house where I worked years ago, when a woman would come in to the house.  The first thing we would do is to simply let her alone.  I joke, because what we used to do was to get her a small pint of chocolate ice cream.  And let her go watch TV for a while.  Invariably, within 24 hours they would sometimes panic.  And need to make a decision right away and in the house where I work.  We attempted to help the women to realize they did not have to rush to a decision this very instant that what they really needed to do was just let themselves acclimate to the changes that were taking place in her body.  And so we simply took care of her for the first two weeks of her pregnancy, so that she could find some grounding.  Then, invariably they had a much better understanding of the direction they want to go.

For anyone to think that two women are the same when they become pregnant is crazy.  Because they’re not you can’t apply one standard answer to every single woman, because every single woman is different.  As I’ve repeatedly said, I am both pro-life and pro-choice at the same time and I have no problem with that position.  Because I am pro-life, because I do not believe in violence against or the killing of any human being.  And I do not consider the fetus a human being, I consider the fetus of potential human being, but not a human being because they are not out here walking around.  They are inside growing.  And so as a result, my position personally and spiritually.  Between me and the creator is that my first responsibility is to the life that is out there walking around.  And that if I take care of that life.  She will in turn be able to take care of what’s inside of her.

So, I realize that the pro-life people are so hysterical that as far as they’re concerned they have to make sure all women lockstep like an army and do exactly what they’re told.  But that’s not what makes a woman work women operate on chemistry and perceptions and feelings that most men under no circumstances have any clue as to the dynamics of.  If more men actually understood women, we would have less women being beat up and murdered every year.

So for the pro life movement to continually compare the pro-choice people to not seize when in reality it is the pro-life movement who in fact, is doing everything they can to set up Inquisition throughout the entire world where women will be tried for crimes of not giving birth is so beyond absurd it’s ridiculous.  This is yet again, the hysteria of the pro-life movement demanding that everyone put up and shut up and do exactly what the pro-life movement tells them to like they are the rule of law and the rule of the creator here on Earth, which is not true for anyone to think that the pro-life movement is the rule of law from the creator here on Earth, that person probably needs to go stick their head in the ground for the next six or 700 years.  The pro-life people are not the rule of law, and they are not the rule of the creator here on Earth.  Because if they say they are.  I’d like to know when the creator came down and gave them permission to speak for the creator or for the Almighty.  Because I sure don’t see any instructions in any of the holy books anywhere in the world all through history ranting the pro-life people specific rights over the creator so that they alone can speak for the creator.  I don’t see that written anywhere.

I realize that with my age coming up on 60 in dealing with the health issues I’m dealing with that I’m probably going to and the dying without actually seeing women at the kind of respect and dignity that they really deserve.  Because I realize that the pro-life movement is so hysterical that they have no problem killing two thirds of the women in the entire world to make sure that the remaining women will put up and shut up and do exactly what they’re told, which is not giving women respect.  You want to respect the woman all you need to do is put up and shut up and not say a single word and walk up right next to her.  Not in front of her or in back of her or on top of her or underneath her right next to her and simply do one thing was really hard for most people to do.  But that’s what most women have told me they want more than anything for someone to walk up right next to them and simply do one thing, which is to simply be their friend.

But doing that is really hard, because the pro-life movement doesn’t care about being a friend of women in only cares about demanding that women put up and shut up and do what they’re told.  Just like the Utah legislature the day after Marie Osmond finds that her son has taken his life.  Utah legislature because they are so bright.  And that’s a joke of course, because they’re not decide that it’s a great time to start arbitrating how they want to make women criminals if they have a miscarriage.  I mean, they could chose a worse time to bring up the subject like that.  When one of their leading citizens in their state is suffering so bad these idiots in Utah, should never be talking about this right now.  The entire state of Utah needs to put up and shut up and start showing as much compassion as they can to the Osmond family and Marie Oz because, whether anyone Utah wants to pay attention or not she happens to be one of the leading citizens in that state and she’s one of the leading citizens in this country.  The Osmond family has given more to this country as far as entertainment and social value than a tremendous amount of people that have ever lived in this country.

So the pro-life movement really doesn’t get what women need very much.  Because every time you give the pro-life movement a chance to show how much they know about women all they do is show how much they can tell women what to do.  They don’t show that they really understand women at all.  But I have to admit that yes, with me pushing 60 this year, the likelihood is that I will die and never see women being given the kind of respect or the dignity that they have deserved ever since the beginning of humanity that women will continue to be mistreated and abused by the pro-life movement who thinks that they know exactly what women are supposed to do and they’ll kill every woman in this world if they have to to make sure that women understand what their duty is as far as the pro-life people will define.  Because women according to the pro-life people must be put up and shut up and told exactly what they are allowed to do because they should never be allowed to have free will, and they should never be allowed to have equal rights, and they should never be allowed to be treated with dignity.  That’s how the pro-life people look at women.

And so for years I’ve been campaigning and working using my writing ability to try to speak out for the dignity women don’t get and three years.  The pro-life people who are so hysterical have so much money and a huge organization to spread all the propaganda they want.  Pretty much drown me out.  So I am probably going to have to get used to the fact that I will die.  And do so without ever realizing the thing I’ve been working for most of my life, which is to try to get some dignity and respect for women.  Because the Christian conservatives and the pro-life people don’t want women respected they want women to put up and shut up and do exactly what they’re told and bear children.  Just like they want their cows on their farm to give milk.  Because that’s all the light people see women as livestock put them in cages.  Hit them with cattle prods, feed them and demand for them to give birth on cue.  Like there nothing but livestock.  That’s how the Christian conservatives and the Republican Party treat women.

And so of course it makes absolutely no sense of course, for at the Christian conservatives and the pro-life people to be comparing the pro-choice people who actually want to give women a little dignity a little space of little respect like were the Nazis.  How can we be not these figures were trying to give them some respect, because were trying to celebrate their free will and their personal choice.  It’s not us who are trying to set up Inquisition’s it’s not us who are advocating putting a woman to death and the death Because she miscarried a child.  It’s not us who are setting up laws to make women criminals because they refused to behave like livestock and to give children and bear children, like cows give milk it’s the pro-life people who are doing that.  Not us.  It’s still all they have more money and they have a huge propaganda machine and just like Adolf Hitler.  If you tell lies enough to a group of people.  Before long that group of people will believe that the lies are true.  And that’s exactly what the Christian conservatives and Republican Party are doing.  They’ll lie as much as possible to brainwashed everyone into believing that women need to the beat across the face and beaten into the ground and told there nothing but livestock and they will bear children on cue and if not they’ll be put to death and death camps.  And that anyone who opposes what the Christian conservatives are demanding is actually anti-God.  And of course we, the intelligent people, know that’s not true.

So I understand that I’m taking a really unpopular point of view here.  It’s okay, I don’t know how many women have been so brainwashed today that they will look at what I’m writing and see me as nothing but a dumb jerk were a dumb stupid bastard.  I don’t know how many people of the Republican Party hate me but I’m sure most of them do.  Just like I’m sure most of the Christian conservatives hate my guts.  But then they always have.

But I’m not really taking this position, because I’m trying to make friends taking this position, because in my heart.  And in my soul.  I know it is the correct thing to do, because I know, the creator whatever creator it might be, whether it’s energy or whatever would never want to see things here on Earth mistreated and disrespected the way the Christian conservatives and Republican Party mistreat and disrespect women.  Just the way the Christian conservatives and Republican Party hate and disrespect Jews and how they hate Muslims and how they hate Hispanic Americans and Native Americans and black Americans and liberals and Democrats and Catholics and how they hate every single type of person in the entire world.  Unless that person is white and fundamentalist Christian and Republican because those are the only type of people in the entire universe that the Christian conservatives and Republican people like they don’t like any single living human being in the entire world they hate everyone.  The only people they don’t hate are white male Christians who are Republicans.  They don’t like anyone else they never have and they never will in the matter what you do you can’t force or induce the Christian conservatives and Republican Party to like anyone because they will never liked anyone because they hate everyone they hate every single thing God made except white male Christians who are Republicans.  That’s the only thing that the Republican Party and Christian conservative like they ate everything else they hate women they hate children they hate everything in this world, because all they like are white men who are Christian and Republican.

And of course if I’m wrong, then the Christian conservatives and Republican Party need to change their behavior, because the way they behave is exactly that way they behave showing hatred and contempt for everything as soon as that child is born outside of the mother as soon as a child is born the Christian conservatives and the Republican Party are the first ones to turn their back on that child.  Because they don’t care of the child born.  They only want to make sure it gets for us, and it is born.  They don’t care they won’t even give any money they will give any attention they don’t care about it at all.  That’s what we have so many children throughout the entire world starving to death.  Because the Christian conservatives don’t give a damn about the child was born that you want to make sure it’s born so that they can sit there and felt their chests and say that they were right and they made everyone else do what they wanted.

And that’s sad.  Because nobody wins with that kind of horrible treatment of other people.  Nobody wins.  But like I say, I am a realist.  And I have to understand that because I am just one small insignificant voice in this world that the Christian conservatives and the Republican Party will simply wait until I die.  And then they will mount a tidal wave of vengeance setting up Inquisition’s all the world, because when I’m no longer here to put myself between them in the abuse they are heaping on women than no probably just kill everyone else so that they can continue mistreating women as much as possible.

What most people don’t really understand nor do they believe is that when I died for those five minutes in 1968.  I did see the creator.  Of course no one will ever believe me when I say that so that’s why I stopped saying it years and years ago.  No one believed me.  No one believed that I actually was there, but I was and no one wants to even know how angry the creator was back then and how horrible we as human beings were behaving to each other.  But they were and they still are that angry, but everybody thinks they know more than everyone else.  And even Iowa the really great and varied the big brain knows that the amount of stuff I really know is so small could probably fit on the head of a pin compared to the vast universe of information and knowledge.  That’s beyond all of us.

Anyhow, it’s going on, 8 PM.  So I’m going to make something to eat.  And I will continue trying to fight for women’s rights.  To my dying breath, the very last breath I take.  I will continue doing everything I can to try to protect women and to help them to attain the respect and dignity that is being denied them by so many different groups all over the world.  And I don’t do this because I want anyone to say thank you.  I simply do it because I know in my heart.  It is the correct thing to do.

There are times when I really wonder.  When I finally to step over and die whether or not.  I’ll be sorry that I couldn’t have done more.

Life is choices.  It’s all of this.  We all have the choice every single second week in either respect women and love them and treat them with dignity.  Or we can behave like the pro-life people and figure out ways we can set up Inquisition is to put them on trial for not doing what we tell them to.  And that’s not respecting women as treating them criminals for simply women being women.  And that’s not respect, if I could die.  If my death this very instant would stop the abuse and mistreatment of women throughout the world and stop the Republican Party and Christian conservatives from abusing and mistreating in maligning women and stop their hatred of everything in the world.  If my death would do that.  I would have no problem this very second going.  Not one bit.  And I know I don’t want to die, but the same time.  I would be happy to give my life at any given second justice he women finally get the respect they been deprived for centuries.  I would have no problem with that at all.  Because I know in my heart and my soul the when I die probably just gonna go back to the creator or wherever it is I came from.  And so as far as I’m concerned, I’m going to go doing everything I can to help people who are not getting respect and dignity to get the respecting the dignity and the freedom to is justly deserved.

I’ve always live by the rule that it doesn’t really matter whether are you a cop was what you’re after.  It only matters that you try.

I hope some of the pro-life people will take a small hiatus and think about their behavior.  The last thing that Marie Osmond and all of the other millions of wonderful women throughout the entire world needs right now, who are suffering terribly with the loss of their children.  The very last thing they need is all the hatred and all the fighting that we seem to do.  It would really be nice if we as a human population could just simply stop and start showing some of these women a kind of love and compassion and dignity and respect that they really deserve.  That would be, that would be fantastic.


Annotations Regarding Non-Pro-Life Activities Of The Republican Party And The Christian Conservatives And The Catholics Of The United States:

The Christian conservatives and the Catholics  don’t ever want to be responsible for the fact that since 78% of the United States is pro-life Christian that basically means that 78% of all the women and children murdered in the United States are killed by pro-life Christians and Catholics.  It also means that Christians in United States are demanding that the world understand that to them being pro-life means killing, because while the Christian conservatives and Catholics  are demanding that everyone understand they are pro-life.  They are with their own actions, supporting a number of forms of killing.

  • 78% of all the women murdered in the United States are killed by pro-life Christians and Catholics.
  • 78% of all the children abused in the United States are abused by pro-life Christians and Catholics.
  • 78% of all the children murdered in the United States are murdered by pro-life Christians and Catholics.
  • 78% of all the murders that take place in the United States are committed by pro-life Christians and Catholics.
  • 78% of all the soldiers in the United States, who go out and kill are pro-life Christians and Catholics.
  • 78% of the membership of the National Rifle Association (The NRA ), which support GUNS THAT KILL are pro-life  Christians and Catholics.
  • Every single white supremacist group in the history of United States has always been white fundamentalist pro-life  Christian.  And these white supremacist groups are dedicated to killing anyone who is not white and Christian.
  • The Army of God is a white fundamentalist Christian group who is dedicated to murdering and killing every single nonwhite Christian in the United States.
  • 78% of all the people who favor and support the death penalty meaning killing people for committing crimes are pro-life  Christians and Catholics.
  • 78% of all the ministers in the United States who carry firearms to church and are threatening to kill anyone who comes near the church was not white and Christian are pro-life Christians and Catholics.
  • 78% of all the crimes against gay people in the United States are done by pro-life Christians and Catholics.
  • Every month between one and two transgendered females are murdered and every single one of these killings is done by pro-life Christian.
  • White fundamentalist Christians were the ones who demand the right to own black Americans and to kill them whenever they wanted to during the signing of the The Declaration of Independence.
  • White fundamentalist Christians were the ones who took over the Republican Party during the battle of Washington  and try to overthrow the United States government under president Hoover at the battle of Washington  in 1932.
  • White fundamentalist Christians were the ones who took over the Republican Party on the evening before the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation  during the American Civil War.  And who then used the Republican Party to hire John Wilkes Booth to murder President Abraham Lincoln.

When you have all these forms of killing being supported by pro-life Christians and Catholics it’s easy to understand that the pro-life Christians and Catholics are demanding that everyone else be responsible for their own actions.  But the white fundamentalist Christians and Catholics under no circumstances want to be responsible for anything they do because they are demanding that the entire world understand that to them being pro-life means killing, because that’s what they support killing. That’s why that those who claim to be pro-life are now becoming known as nothing more than, “Killers For Christ”. And of course it the white fundamentalist Christians and Catholics don’t like what I’m saying or want to take exception to what I’m saying they need to disprove everything that follows, and every single item in my see also section below.


See Also:

  1. Jesus Christ
  2. The Sermon On The Mount
  3. God The Bible
  4. The Ten Commandments
  5. John The Baptist
  6. The Burning Times
  7. The Crusades
  8. Joan Of Arc
  9. The Children Of Lourdes
  10. The Children of Fatima
  11. The Spanish Inquisition
  12. The Christian Black Code Of 1724 
  13. The American Civil War
  14. Slavery
  15. The Emancipation Proclamation
  16. Abraham Lincoln
  17. John Wilkes Booth
  18. World War I
  19. Prohibition
  20. The Great Depression
  21. The Battle of Washington
  22. World War II
  23. The Korean War
  24. The Vietnam War
  25. Richard Nixon
  26. Oliver North
  27. The Iran-Contra Affair
  28. The Gulf War
  29. The Savings-And-Loan Crisis
  30. Bill Clinton
  31. The Balanced Budget Amendment
  32. The Iraq War
  33. The Kondratieff Wave
  34. Profitability Analysis
  35. Financial Analysis
  36. Vance Packard
  37. Laissez-Faire 
  38. Better Business Bureau 
  39. Department Of Justice 
  40. DirecTV
  41. Wal-Mart
  42. KeyCorp
  43. Dell Computers 
  44. Lawsuits Against Dell 
  45. Capital Punishment
  46. Homophobia
  47. Xenophobia
  48. Racism
  49. Prejudice
  50. Bigotry
  51. Fascism
  52. Eugenics
  53. White Supremacy
  54. Mein Kampf
  55. Adolf Hitler
  56. The Ku Klux Klan
  57. The Army of God
  58. US Domestic Violence Statistics
  59. US Child Abuse Statistics
  60. US Child Mortality Statistics
  61. US Religious Demographic Statistics
  62. US Obesity Statistics
  63. US Caesarean Statistics
  64. US Uninsured Americans Statistics 
  65. Insurers Overcharge Medicare
  66. Medicare Ponzi Scheme
  67. US Food Recall Statistics
  68. US Suicide Statistics
  69. Medical Malpractice
  70. Medical Mistakes
  71. Gay Rights
  72. Transgenderism
  73. Women’s Rights
  74. Children’s Rights
  75. Human Rights
  76. Religious Freedom 
  77. Pro-Choice
  78. NRA
  79. The Christian Conservatives 
  80. Republican Party 
  81. Oliver Wendell Holmes
  82. The US Constitution
  83. The Bill Of Rights
  84. Recording Telephone Conversations
  85. Treason
  86. Sedition
  87. How The Republicans Use The Constitution To Lie (article 1, section 6, subsection b) of The US Constitution
  88. My Biographical Profile 
  89. My Philosophy of Life 
  90. Reality… 
  91. 24 Hour Suicide And Crisis Help Center
  92. For those Who Said I Never Knew Ronald Reagan, They Lied
  93. My Encounter With Joan Baez 
  94. My Time Studying The Anasazi Indians 
  95. My 250 Million Variable Characteristic Hieroglyphic Language 
  96. My Tribute To Jim Varney 
  97. The Pebble And The Penguin 
  98. A Diamond On A Sea Of Glass 
  99. Regarding Me And My Journal 
  100. It’s A Crime 
  101. My Back And Me Doing 250 Sit Ups 
  102. Hey God! You There? I’m Tired… Ok? 
  103. In The Midst Of Darkness The Smallest Spark Lights My Way… 
  104. I Wrote Something A Long Time Ago… 
  105. The Vanishing Of America 
  106. Second Gear 
  107. Kmart To Close Five More Ohio Stores 
  108. Sounds 
  109. An Explanation Of Vernacular Dynamics and Sequencing Regarding Various Forms of Advocacy 
  110. An Installment Notation Of The Maschke Family History And Legacy 
  111. How Ya Gonna Keep ‘Em Down On The Farm? 
  112. By The Campfire
  113. Playing The Keys Of My Heart 
  114. Adventures In Technocracy 
  115. My Financial Analysis Of The Global Economic System 
  116. My Global Warming Research 

For the record, I pro-life. I do not support violence against, or the killing of any human being under any circumstances! And the only way that I ever deviate from that stand is that I do not believe that the Almighty, and/or God  has ever given any human the right to dictate to any woman how she is to arbitrate her life with the Almighty, and/or God . Therefore, I am also pro-choice, in that I believe that all women deserve the right to choose for themselves the fate of their souls, and their own bodies, pursuant to their relationship with the Almighty, and/or God . For an expanded explanation please see my article entitled, “Second Gear  “


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