Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Third Round of Swine Flu Possible?

If you you thought we were done with the swine flu – guess again.

According to The Belleville News-Democrat -

The 2009 H1N1 flu season was predicted in early fall by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to be of pandemic proportions. Some predictions estimated several thousand people would die from complications related to the infection, and health departments and schools held clinics to make sure the most vulnerable populations were vaccinated as soon as the H1N1 vaccine was available. “Those predictions did not materialize,” said Karen Kunsemiller, special projects coordinator at the St. Clair County Health Department. “There was a low severity of illness and fewer hospitalizations and deaths than originally projected.” In fact, only person in St. Clair County and one in Madison County died from complications from the H1N1 flu. About 12 percent of the population, or about 30,000 people, in St. Clair County received an H1N1 vaccination, Kunsemiller said. But officials say people shouldn’t let their guard down yet, in case there is a third round of swine flu. “The response was a little lower than we had hoped and demand has decreased as the number of cases declines,” Kunsemiller said. “Right now flu activity is categorized as sporadic. There has been a big decline in flu activity and we are still encouraging people to get vaccinated because we don’t know if there will be a third wave of the flu.”

Continue reading HERE.


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